How I help leaders
I am a Transformative Coach accredited by the ICF.
I specialise in Executive Leadership Coaching in the creative industry.
I coach leaders who want to arrive and deliver in their first C-Suite role feeling calm, confident and in control.
I am currently working with:
- Founders, CEOs, CCOs & COOs
- Managing Directors & ECDs
- Managing Partners & Heads of Department
What sets me apart
#1 A decade at the world’s most highly awarded advertising agency where I learnt my craft from some of the most successful creative industry C-Suite
#2 Experience across three departments in 15 years resulting in my '360-degree understanding’ of business
#3 Total fluency in 'Adland'
#4 Relentless intentionality about my own career and lived experience of the courage I foster in others
#5 The ability to switch gears between conceptual strategy and practical implementation (I won’t just talk about the dream, I’ll help you build it too)
#6 Fearlessness about untangling my clients’ struggles
#7 An innate ability to see through clutter and simplify big challenges into achievable steps
#8 A science-based understanding of how the mind works due to qualifications in Neuroscience, Mindset and Trauma​​

How I add value
If you are soon to be/newly appointed in your first C-Suite role, I can help with:
- A proven framework for your leadership plans
- Clarity on your authentic leadership style
- A clear strategy for your vision and goals
- A bespoke support toolkit for ongoing challenges
All my packages are personalised and designed specifically for your needs.
The first step
A staggering 80% of coaching success can be attributed to client/coach chemistry and rapport.
My process therefore begins with a complimentary chemistry call to enable us to get to know each other, discuss what coaching is (and isn't) and talk through your scope of work.
If we both feel we would like to explore coaching together, we can discuss practical details such as package and corporate contract.
All coaching sessions take place online.

Quality assurance
I am accredited by the ICF, widely known as the gold standard in coaching, as well as TICA (the Trauma-Informed Community of Action).
I am also fully insured by Hiscox.
I am trusted by a number of UK and US agencies including adam&eveDDB, Publicis London, Neverland Creative, isobel, JOAN Creative and cummins&partners NYC.
Regular support to your inbox
If you're feeling at home here, why not sign up to receive regular ​insights and coaching tools?
My emails are always evidence-based and to the point with a <5 minute read time to enable quick learning and immediate implementation within your working day.
I promise to respect your privacy and you can unsubscribe any time.
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